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Montreal HeartMath®
Stress Reduction Clinic
A Change Of Heart Can Change Your Life.
Empowering Heart-Based Living:
A Five-Week HeartMath®
Stress-Reduction Course
Empowering Heart-Based Living:
A Five-Week HeartMath® Stress-Reduction Course
First & Third Tuesdays - Mar 24, Apr 7, Apr 12, May 5, & May 19, 2015
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

"Heart-based living is about including your heart’s intuition

as you navigate through life’s relationships and events.
This brings balance to your mind and emotions and unfolds your authentic self."
– Doc Childre, founder of HeartMath


Dr. Sheryl Beller Kenner, Naturopath & Certified HeartMath® Coach



"Heart-based living," IHM founder Doc Childre wrote, "helps you learn to live in the now, bringing more of your real self into each moment. Becoming more of who you really are releases inner security, allowing you to relate to life with increased hope and confidence. Increased fulfillment is the result of this process. When all of our intentions and actions in daily life originate from the intuitive wisdom of our hearts, when we feel and act with sincere appreciation, caring and kindness for others – all qualities of the heart – and when we can observe the world around us without the preset judgments of the mind, but rather with the compassion in our hearts, then we will truly be living life from the heart.

The HeartMath® system is a scientifically-validated system of tools, techniques and computer-based technology – proven to be effective in stress reduction, learning and performance management to manage your emotions and improve health and relationships. With HeartMath®’s patented heart rhythm monitoring systems, you’ll be able to actually see your heart rate patterns plotted in real time.

HeartMath® exercises are designed to bring us into a state of personal coherence. Personal coherence, also known as psycho-physiological coherence, refers to the synchronization of our physical, mental and emotional systems. It can be measured by our heart-rhythm patterns: The more balanced and smooth they are, the more in sync, or coherent, we are. Stress levels recede, energy levels increase, and our brain and what HeartMath® calls the "heart brain" are working together. It is a state of optimal clarity, perception and performance. HeartMath® tools and technology have been scientifically proven to help us shift our attitudes and emotions in order to achieve personal coherence.

Although rhythmic breathing exercises can help control your heart rate and have a calming effect on the body, shifting your attitudes and emotions require more. Research shows the key to learning how to neutralize and counter the effects of stress is by actively adding a heart-based, positive feeling such as appreciation, care and compassion to the process. Experiencing positive emotions has a much broader range of health and wellness benefits than simply forcing the system into coherence through rhythmic breathing. Generating feelings of appreciation, care or compassion adds a dynamic element for stress management. Using the HeartMath® biofeedback device in conjunction with generating positive emotions helps synchronize your nervous system and creates positive changes in your heart-rhythm patterns to create and sustain the coherence needed for short-term and long-term anxiety and stress relief and improved overall health.



The course will take place at BelArome Holistic Centre in NDG, Montreal, for 5 weeks on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month from 7:00 - 9:00 PM starting on Mar 24, 2015 (Remaining dates are: Apr 7, Apr 21, May 5, and May 19).  Use of the HeartMath® biofeedback technology is an important part of being able to measure your coherence in real time, and so it is required for you to have one.  If you already have a HeartMath® device – either an emWave or an Inner Balance machine -- please bring it with you to the first session; if you need to purchase one, please call ahead so that the appropriate one can be ordered and ready for you to use on the first day of class (If you are not sure which one you need, please call Sheryl at 514.481.9355).



If you answered yes to three or more of the following questions, there’s a good chance you are experiencing some degree of chronic stress or anxiety. But take heart: You can control your stress and HeartMath® will definitely help.

- Irritability: Shorter fuse these days, the little things make you angrier?

- Sense of humor: Laughing less, too serious?

- Worry: Reliving or projecting future anxious emotional experiences? Depressed, resigned over the way things are?

- Excessiveness: Eating, drinking too much, too many mood-altering stimulants?

- Forgetfulness: Can’t remember little things lately, have mental gridlock?

- Aches and pains: Recurring headaches, frequent gastrointestinal distress, tension in face, jaw, shoulders, back or chest?

- Nervousness: Talking faster, more than in the past?

- Fatigue: Feeling run-down a lot? Tired, but can’t get restful sleep?

- Illness: Suffering allergies, colds, flu and other ailments more often?

- Time pressure: Often feel as if there is not enough time, too much to do?



Psycho-physiological coherence has benefits on the cognitive, the emotional, the physical and even the spiritual levels.  A few are:

- Decreased anxiety and stress

- Improved health, feeling of well-being and quality of life

- Improved intuition, memory and cognitive function

- More energy during the day, restful sleep at night

- More heartfelt feelings like love, appreciation and kindness

- Fewer fits of impatience, irritability, anger

- Fewer periods of sadness, depression, lethargy

- Greater connection with others

- Greater connection to your own heart-based Spirit



Each session is designed to guide you to:

- Increase your focus on your Heart-Based feelings

- Learn how to control your emotions and not have them control you

- Experience the the cognitive, the emotional, the physical and even the spiritual benefits of HeartMath® coherence

- Start or expand daily Heart-Based living activities

- Learn different HeartMath® exercises to use in your daily life when appropriate, with or without the HM® biofeedback device

- Make Heart-Based connections with other like-minded individuals in a stress-free environment

- Incorporate out-of-class activities into your daily life







A – For those who ALREADY HAVE a HeartMath® biofeedback device=$250. (See Early-Bird Rates)

$200 for 5 weekly sessions (10 hours) and course documents.


B – For those who DO NOT have a HeartMath® EmWave or Inner Balance biofeedback device

$200 for 5 weekly sessions (10 hours) and course documents PLUS (Choose 1):




1. HeartMath® EmWave2 device=$250 CAN 

EmWave technology collects pulse data through a pulse sensor and translates the information from your heart rhythms into graphics on your computer or into easy to follow lights on the portable emWave2. Used just a few minutes a day, this simple-to-use technology helps you transform feelings of anger, anxiety or frustration into more peace, ease and clarity.

As you practice on the go or at your Windows or Macintosh computer you increase your coherence baseline and your ability to take charge of your emotional reactions. Health, communication, relationships and quality of life improve.

Made for: stand-alone use and/or connection to Windows or Macintosh computer




2. HeartMath® Inner Balance device with IOS 30-pin sensor=$165 CAN

The Inner Balance™ Sensor for iOS is an innovative approach to improving wellness through training, education and self-monitoring. With the Inner Balance app you enter how you are feeling in the moment and then run a session focusing on a positive moment. Research has shown that focusing on positive emotions like appreciation can greatly reduce the effects of stress and deliver you to a more calm peaceful state.

New! Inner balance now available with Heartcloud™ - a new on-line platform that syncs all of your session data and tracks activity, history, journaling, notifications, awards, access to advanced training and much more.

Made for: iPod touch (4th generation), iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4s, iPad 2, iPad 3




3. HeartMath® Inner Balance device with IOS Lightning sensor=$165 CAN

The Inner Balance™ Sensor for iOS is an innovative approach to improving wellness through training, education and self-monitoring. With the Inner Balance app you enter how you are feeling in the moment and then run a session focusing on a positive moment. Research has shown that focusing on positive emotions like appreciation can greatly reduce the effects of stress and deliver you to a more calm peaceful state.

New! Inner balance now available with Heartcloud™ - a new on-line platform that syncs all of your session data and tracks activity, history, journaling, notifications, awards, access to advanced training and much more.

Made for: iPhone 6, iPhone 6Plus, iPhone 5, iPhone 5c, iPhone 5s, iPad Air 2, iPad Air, iPad mini, iPad (4th generation), iPod touch (5th generation)







A –If You Already Have An Emwave Or Inner Balance Biofeedback Device=$150

B–If You Need A Heartmath® Emwave2 Device [$200 US/$250 CN]=$400

C– If You Need A Heartmath® Inner Balance Device With IOS 30-Pin Sensor [130 US/$165 CN]=$315

D– If You Need A Heartmath® Inner Balance Device With IOS Lightning Sensor [$130 US/$165 CN]  =$315



A –If You Already Have An Emwave Or Inner Balance Biofeedback Device=$100 DEPOSIT

B–If You Need A Heartmath® Emwave2 Device [$200 US/$250 CN]=$225 DEPOSIT

C– If You Need A Heartmath® Inner Balance Device With IOS 30-Pin Sensor [$130 US/$165 CN]=$183 DEPOSIT

D– If You Need A Heartmath® Inner Balance Device With IOS Lightning Sensor [$130 US/$165 CN]=$183 DEPOSIT


Option 3:  PAY TOTAL FROM MAR 18 - 1ST DAY OF CLASS, 2015:

A –If You Already Have An Emwave Or Inner Balance Biofeedback Device=$200

B–If You Need A Heartmath® Emwave2 Device [ $200 US/$250 CN]=$450

C– If You Need A Heartmath® Inner Balance Device With IOS 30-Pin Sensor [$130 US/$165 CN]=$365

D– If You Need A Heartmath® Inner Balance Device With IOS Lightning Sensor [$130 US/$165 CN]=$365





Dr. Sheryl Beller-Kenner, Certified HeartMath Coach & Naturopath


Inspired by Ralph Waldo Emerson, who said, “A weed is a plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered”,  I have spent much time over the past 20 years making healing preparations from the gifts of the  plants. And I have discovered, “If you listen, they will teach you.”


Learning is about mindful listening. I have received my naturopathic training from various places in order to develop a well-rounded approach to complementary health care. I received my certification as a Chartered Herbalist (designation of CH) from Dominion Herbal College in British Columbia, Canada, as an aromatherapist who does aromatherapy massage (designation of CAHP) from Ontario, Canada, as a foot reflexologist (designation of RCRT) and a Level II Reiki practitioner, from here in Montreal, Canada.  My work in Spiritual Phytoessencing with Dr. Bruce Berkowsky and earned designation as a registered Spiritual PhytoEssencing practitioner(R.SPE.P.) and Group Training Leader, has taught me how to take my work with essential oils and with clients to a much higher, much more spiritual level. In addition, my training as a Certified HeartMath Provider has given me the tools to help all of my clients and students relieve the stress that causes emotional, physical, mental and spiritual imbalances. I am currently a member in good standing of five professional organizations in order to stay current in my field and to support the professionalism and standards of CAM.


Teaching is also about mindful listening. For over 35 years, I have been teaching people of all ages all over North America. I currently offer introductory and professional certification courses in aromatherapy, herbology and reflexology right here in Montreal.


Working with clients is also about heart-based listening. In addition to being the full-time director of BelArôme Holistic Health Centre and the Montreal HeartMath Stress Reduction Clinic, I run a thriving private practice. I support all of my clients in getting in touch with their hearts and the ‘small spark within’ and showing them how this can lead them to a well-balanced, calm, healthy lifestyle.


If we open our minds and our hearts, we will discover that we have everything we need right here in front of us. Join me! You can find out more about my services at I can be reached at or on 514 481-9355.


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See Our Calendar



  • What's A Heart-Based Practitioner?

  • Building Your Own Resilience


  • Aromatherapy Practitioner Certification

  • Reflexology Practitioner Certification


SERVICES: By Appointment

  • HeartMath Stress Reduction Sessions

  • Aromatherapy Sessions

  • Reflexology Sessions

  • One Simple Change Your Way


3285 Boulevard Cavendish - #550
Montreal (NDG) QC Canada H4B-2L9

Canada: 514.481.9355 * 514.481.WELL

US [Florida]: 954-381-1639

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