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AR310 Course Books
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2024 PRICE UPDATE: From Sheryl Book prices on 2nd and 3rd party resellers have gone crazy!!! DO NOT PAY MORE THAN CAD$100 FOR A COPY OF THIS BOOK NEW OR USED!!! Instead, order directly from my contact who is the official supplier in Canada or directly from Salvatore Battaglia’s site. NEW: •From my contact in Canada: I have arranged for my registered students only to buy the text directly from the official Canadian supplier of the book for CAD$89.95 plus shipping NEW. I will give you the special code after you are registered. •Directly from Salvatore Battaglia’s site, in Australia: The Australian dollar is quite close to the Canadian dollar. On his site, the book is $AUD69.95 plus shipping. The following link takes you directly to the book order form on his site. https://www.perfectpotion.com.au/products/the-complete-guide-to-aromatherapy USED: DO NOT PAY MORE THAN CAD$100 FOR A COPY NEW OR USED!!! •Amazon.ca: https://amzn.to/3MUiIap •EBay