Transforming Depression
- Release and Prevent Depression
You’re constantly bombarded by deadlines, demands and news – much of it bad – from around the world. This constant sense of overwhelm, fatigue and being stretched to the limit can leave you feeling hopeless, uninterested in things you used to enjoy and depressed. This newest book in HeartMath’s Transforming Series is based on 16 years of scientific research. It describes simple, but powerful tools such as Notice and Ease and the Power of Neutral and gives an in-depth understanding of the Cut-Thru® technique. Learn to clear stressful feelings as they come up and emotional restructuring techniques. Read about the root causes of many depressive patterns and how to use HeartMath techniques to clear them. Transforming Depression can help you release and prevent depression and regain hope and inner peace. It gives you an antidote to the depression drug therapy that is so pervasive today and helps you understand depression as a transformational experience, rather than a destructive disease that conquers the spirit, optimism and joy. Take it to heart and it will help you develop the awareness and understanding to step into a new world.