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One Simple Change Your Way Group
What Is It?

Are you looking to improve your life? Don't know where to start?
You may feel as if you've tried everything that you can think of but haven't been able to make any progress. You might have gotten a lot of advice, but none of it worked for long.
Sometimes , when you're feeling out of balance, it seems as if there is so much to do and so little time to do it in. Old habits take a long time to make and a replacement to break; new habits that are learned slowly and practiced mindfully can last a lifetime.
You may be saying to yourself, "I can't do this, I'm not _____________ enough. But you ARE enough, and you have everything you need to make the changes that you set your heart on.
What is the group based on?
Life has Four Core Aspects -- Nutrition, Stress Reduction, Exercise & Lifestyle Choices -- that must be in balance for you to get your life into balance and experience good health. In our One Simple Change Group, we each look at all four aspects, one at a time, and we choose one item in one area and commit to doing something different for one week. Do you think that you can do that for one week? You do not have to do it alone; we do it together.
Each week we come together to learn something new on one of the Core Aspects, to share the challenges and successes of the past week, and to plan for the coming week. We also prepare smoothies, exchange recipes, and have fun.
How do I start?
We all start by improving our nutrition; if your body isn't properly nourished, it cannot fully support you in any of the other aspects of your life. You won't have the energy or the focus. Both US and Canadian nutritional guidelines state that the average otherwise healthy adult needs between 10 and 13 servings of fruits/vegetables per day; those with chronic conditions need more.
You will be asked to commit to taking Juice Plus+ fruits & veggie capsules and a protein shake daily for four months. Why four months? Because it takes about three to four months for many of the malnourished, damaged cells in your body to be replaced with healthier, well-nourished cells. By providing proper nourishment to our bodies we can prevent and even reverse some conditions that we might be prone to. By providing proper nourishment, we lose the desire to eat junk, and weight drops off. By providing proper nourishment, we gain energy and focus and confidence. You will be able to choose from among a few nutritional programs based on the JuicePlus+ products, and you will make your choice during the introductory session depending on what you'd like to accomplish regarding your weight.
What will it cost me?
The only cost for the program is for the JuicePlus+ products you order. The price may vary because you will be able to choose from among a few nutritional programs, and that will determine what you will pay. The products that you choose will be sent to you within a few days, but the payment can be made in four monthly installments.
Click here for more info on JP+ products & prices.
As a JP+client and member of the group, you will be entitled to one one-on-one FREE introductory meeting with the group coach, Dr Sheryl Beller-Kenner, and one one-on-one FREE meeting with our nutritional coach, Susan Campbell-Fournel. And all of the meetings are FREE for as long as you are taking your JP+. There are no other fees!
While you nourish your body, you will begin to make changes in the other area of your life.
How can I get started?
Call 514.481.9355 or send an email to sheryl@belarome.ca today.

The Ten-Day Shred Challenge
What Is It?

Maintaining a balanced nutritional diet can be a challenge in the best of times. But the stress and over-work we experience in our daily life make it even more difficult. The current recommendation for a healthy diet is to fill half your plate at each meal - for a total of between 10 and 13 servings per day - with fruits and vegetables. Are you meeting those guidelines?
Healthy eating takes time, planning, and can cost a lot of money, and, as a result, most of us suffer from a daily fruit and vegetable deficit. Healthy eating is about getting back to basics, to whole foods and away from processed foods. Our JuicePlus+ -powered nutritional programs are simple, time-saving, and cost-effective ways of getting the nourishment you need to live a healthy, vibrant, active, and busy life.
The Ten-Day Shred, is a commitment to eating right and maintaining a healthier lifestyle for just 10 days. The 10-Day Shred will dramatically launch your nutritional change. By introducing the power of over 20 fruits and vegetables into your day, the Ten-Day Shred acts as a short detox to get you ready for a new way of eating. To jump-start your healthy eating plan, you will eliminate all the foods that you know are not good for you (mucous-producing, inflammatory, allergenic). At the same time, you will increase the amount of fruits and vegetables that you eat and the water that you drink; basically, you will have 2 shakes, one whole food meal (and dessert!), and 2 whole food snacks daily. Meal prep is simple, fast, and delicious! While we each have individual goals, such as weight loss, improved health, or increased energy, the main goal of this program is for you to enjoy eating whole foods as they replace the processed foods that you were previously eating. By changing to whole foods, you will lose weight and feel better. In 10 days you will get some real results that are motivating and encouraging.
It’s called the Ten-Day Shred because we believe you are capable of doing ANYTHING for 10 Days! It’ll be 10 days of sharing, encouragement and support – in person, on-line, and in a private Facebook group. You are not alone; you are part of the BelArome One Simple Change Your Way Program! We are with you every day of the way – and beyond! We’re ready; are you???