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Holistic Health & Learning Centre
Centre de Santé & Apprentissage Holistique

A BelArôme Holistic Health Centre Wellness Program
For those who struggle with the every-day challenges of living with serious illness

A Day At The Oasis
Relax. Receive. Refocus.
From the challenge of illness,
one moves toward the sweetness of wellness.
In making connections,
one learns of the sweetness of life.
-Dr. Sheryl Beller-Kenner
What is Wellness?
We at BelArôme define illness as a state of optimal well-being that is oriented toward achieving an individual’s potential. It is a life-long process of moving towards enhancing your motional, environmental, mental, physical, social, and spiritual well-being.
What Is The Moving To Wellness Program?
The Moving Toward Wellness Program is designed to offer support to those in need of hope, inspiration, and assistance in order for them to move through the challenges of living with serious illness. It addresses these 6 dimensions of wellness in one's life.
Throughout each month, many activities, designed to offer inspiration and an improved quality of life, are available for the choosing. This program is not only for people with chronic illness but also for their loved ones and their caretakers, to remind them that they are not alone.
Open to everyone in the community, whether you have a chronic illness or you care for someone with a chronic illness or you are interested in preventing illness, the following activities have been added to our other offerings for the purpose of helping you look at your condition – whatever it is -- in a more positive way.
What Is The FREE Oasis Day?
The 'I' in illness is isolation, and the crucial letters in wellness are 'we'.
~Author unknown
Retreat from the solitude and uncertainty, and let us pamper you at Oasis Day at BelArôme Holistic Health Centre. In our warm, peaceful, and relaxing Centre, a small group of heart-based practitioners will donate their time to participate in various activities designed to nourish you inside and out. While each Oasis Day may follow a slightly different schedule, all have the same goal – to offer you loving support, current information, and enjoyable activities to help keep your spirit elevated and shining.
Start the Day with a cup of gourmet tea as you make new friends who can understand the challenges of balancing living with chronic illness and living life to the fullest. We will be led in a guided wellness meditation, which you will be able to do without any previous meditation experience. Enjoy a make-it-yourself smoothie lunch while you taste and learn about delicious, simple-to-prepare foods that help boost your immune system. We will then engage in a relaxing activity in which we will each refocus our visions of ourselves. While we are thinking and chatting and envisioning, each participant will receive either a body work or an energy work session from a registered practician. In a private session, you will experience the feelings of deep relaxation combined with total stress reduction, a chance for your mind, body and spirit to take a deep breath and enjoy the inspiration. When everyone returns, feeling renewed and refreshed, we will experience how laughter and a simple breathing technique can be used to self-regulate the every-day thoughts and emotions that sometimes get the better of us. We will close the day with a green tea ceremony, a meditation and a new-found sense of peace, and some practical tips to take home to keep the Oasis going when you need it.
Multiple holistic health-care practitioners will be donating their services at monthly Oasis Days, where attendees can spend an afternoon enjoying free therapeutic activities and bodywork sessions at the same time as making connections with others, all in a comfortable, relaxed environment at the BelArôme Holistic Health Centre.
Each Oasis Day is limited to 6 participants, so if you are interested in joining us, please contact us at The Centre - 514.481.WELL or email us at info@belarome.ca - now.