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  For Practitioner Certification





Our instructors are certified members of a professional organization in their field.




       Choose according to your interest.


AR205PCC - Aromatologist [No Bodywork]

AR210PCC - Aromatherapist [With Bodywork]


FR210PCC - Foot Reflexologist


Contact us for an appointment to register.



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are frequently being added,
so stop by again soon!  

Aromatherapy For Professional Certification
AR205PCC - Aromatologist [NO Bodywork]

425 Hours Approved by the Canadian Federation of Aromatherapists


  • Course#: AR-205-PCC

  • Instructor: Dr. Sheryl Beller-Kenner, Naturopath & Certified Aromatherapist, CAHP

  • Prerequisite: None

  • Equivalent Hours: 425 hours - Combination of In-Class (40 Hours) & On-Line/Self-Study Work (385 Hours) & 1 Fully-Observed Practice Clinic

  • Fees: Tuition + Student Blending Kit + Texts  + Taxes;
    ​ Deposit of $500 +Taxes Required to Reserve Your Seat

  • Description:

    Aromatherapy is a natural technique designed to assist the body's natural ability to balance and maintain itself through the skilled use of essential oils. It is both an art and a science based on the interaction between the aromatherapist, the client and the essential oils, which all work together to elicit the client's innate, self-healing energy. Aromatherapy may be used as a preventative approach or as a support during various stages of illness or 'dis'-ease. As a holistic modality, aromatherapy is able to work on several levels -- physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual -- to effect over-all health, well-being, beauty and vitality.


    Essential oils are the volatile (quickly-evaporating) essences produced by aromatic plants through the process of photosynthesis. The constituents of a plant's oil (its essence) may be extracted from its flowers, leaves, grasses, bark, peels, roots, seeds, and/or resins, and some plants can produce more than one essential oil, depending on the part used.  Essential oils contain a tremendous amount of a plant's energy, and only a small quantity is needed for significant effects. Individual oils or specially-prepared blends can be used for health-giving, meditative, restorative or relaxing purposes. By assisting the body directly in balancing itself and immediately reducing the stress that causes more than 75% of all illnesses; all of the body systems are affected in a positive way. By learning about aromatherapy, you can learn to take care of yourself, your friends and family, and paying clients in a practice of your own, as part of a CAM group, or for a spa.


   Join us – on-line and in small classes to explore the “scent-sational” world of aromatherapy as a health care practice!  This class is for you if you would like to practice aromatherapy but not do bodywork or if you already have a bodywork practice. This clinical-level class is equivalent to 425 hours, and certification qualifies you to be recognized as a CERTIFIED AROMATHERAPY HEALTH PROFESSIONAL – WITHOUT BODYWORK [CAHP] by the Canadian Federation of Aromatherapists. Get answers to the following questions – and more: What is aromatherapy? How does it work? What are its benefits? What exactly are essential oils, hydrosols, and carrier oils, how are they made, and how do we use them? You will learn the theory and its practical applications, holistic anatomy & physiology & pathology.  On-line learning activities will help you study, alone or with others, and will prepare you for the final exams. Class meetings will be hands-on and sharing of projects, such as: identifying oils by smell; making individualized blends: preparing & sharing health care products such as creams, lotions, etc.; preparing items that will help you expand your business. No case studies required for this certificate will include bodywork.


One of the unique features of our course is that it includes two fully professional, fully observed Practice Clinics, one for the Aromatology Module, and one for the Aromatherapy Module. Each clinic comes at the end of each module and incorporates everything that you have learned to work with a client.  On the day of the Clinic, you will receive a new 'client', you will perform a full assessment, you will make an Individualized Blend for that client, and you will complete the consultation (which includes findings, use of blend, lifestyle suggestions, etc).  After the Client leaves, the class will get together with the instructor and review the sessions.  By the end of the day, you should be all ready to see clients on your own.


Students are required to purchase a Student Blending Kit, which contains 65 essential oils; 10 carrier oils; 10 hydrosols; and amber blending bottles for all assignments. This Kit is customized to contain all of the required oils and hydrosols that are required by the Canadian Federation of Aromatherapists. This is an unbeatable deal that permits you to get to know all of the required oils at their best and to get to experience, first-hand, their powerful benefits.  This kit is available only to BelArome students!

Aromatology PCC
Aromatherapy PCC
Aromatherapy For Professional Certification
AR210PCC - Aromatherapist [With Bodywork]

475 Hours Approved by the Canadian Federation of Aromatherapists


  • Course#: AR-210-PCC

  • Instructor: Dr. Sheryl Beller-Kenner, Naturopath & Certified Aromatherapist, CAHP

  • Prerequisite: None

  • Equivalent Hours: 475 hours - Combination of In-Class (60 Hours) & On-Line/Self-Study Work (415 Hours) & 2 Fully-Observed Practice Clinics

  • Fees: Tuition + Student Blending Kit + Texts  + Taxes;
    ​ Deposit of $500 +Taxes Required to Reserve Your Seat



















  • Description:

    Aromatherapy is a natural technique designed to assist the body's natural ability to balance and maintain itself through the skilled use of essential oils. It is both an art and a science based on the interaction between the aromatherapist, the client and the essential oils, which all work together to elicit the client's innate, self-healing energy. Aromatherapy may be used as a preventative approach or as a support during various stages of illness or 'dis'-ease. As a holistic modality, aromatherapy is able to work on several levels -- physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual -- to effect over-all health, well-being, beauty and vitality.


    Essential oils are the volatile (quickly-evaporating) essences produced by aromatic plants through the process of photosynthesis. The constituents of a plant's oil (its essence) may be extracted from its flowers, leaves, grasses, bark, peels, roots, seeds, and/or resins, and some plants can produce more than one essential oil, depending on the part used.  Essential oils contain a tremendous amount of a plant's energy, and only a small quantity is needed for significant effects. Individual oils or specially-prepared blends can be used for health-giving, meditative, restorative or relaxing purposes. By assisting the body directly in balancing itself and immediately reducing the stress that causes more than 75% of all illnesses; all of the body systems are affected in a positive way. By learning about aromatherapy, you can learn to take care of yourself, your friends and family, and paying clients in a practice of your own, as part of a CAM group, or for a spa.


   Join us – on-line and in small classes to explore the “scent-sational” world of aromatherapy as a health care practice!  This clinical-level class is equivalent to 450 hours, and certification qualifies you to be recognized as a CERTIFIED AROMATHERAPY HEALTH PROFESSIONAL – WITH BODYWORK [CAHP] by the Canadian Federation of Aromatherapists. Get answers to the following questions – and more: What is aromatherapy? How does it work? What are its benefits? What exactly are essential oils, hydrosols, and carrier oils, how are they made, and how do we use them? You will learn the theory and its practical applications, holistic anatomy & physiology & pathology, and you will learn how to give a wonderfully relaxing, aromatic aromassage.  On-line learning activities will help you study, alone or with others, and will prepare you for the final exams. Class meetings will be hands-on and sharing of projects, such as: identifying oils by smell; making individualized blends: preparing & sharing health care products such as creams, lotions, etc.; preparing items that will help you expand your business; and learning and exchanging Aromassage techniques. All case studies required for this certificate will include bodywork.


One of the unique features of our course is that it includes two fully professional, fully observed Practice Clinics, one for the Aromatology Module, and one for the Aromatherapy Module. Each clinic comes at the end of each module and incorporates everything that you have learned to work with a client.  On the day of the Clinic, you will receive a new 'client', you will perform a full assessment, you will make an Individualized Blend for that client, and you will complete the consultation (which includes findings, use of blend, lifestyle suggestions, etc).  After the Client leaves, the class will get together with the instructor and review the sessions.  By the end of the day, you should be all ready to see clients on your own.


Students are required to purchase a Student Blending Kit, which contains 65 essential oils; 10 carrier oils; 10 hydrosols; and amber blending bottles for all assignments. This Kit is customized to contain all of the required oils and hydrosols that are required by the Canadian Federation of Aromatherapists. This is an unbeatable deal that permits you to get to know all of the required oils at their best and to get to experience, first-hand, their powerful benefits.  This kit is available only to BelArome students!

Reflexology For Professional Certification
FR210PCC - Foot Reflexology 

200 hours Approved by the Reflexology Association of Canada


  • Course#: FR-210-PCC

  • Prerequisite: None

  • Equivalent Hours: 200 hours - Combination of In-Class (40 Hours) & On-Line/Self-Study Work (160 Hours) & Fully-Observed Practice Clinic 

  • Fees: Tuition + Texts + Taxes; 

Deposit of $250 +Taxes Required to Reserve Your Seat

  • Description:

    Reflexology is a natural healing technique based on the principle that there are points (reflexes) in the hands and feet that correspond to all parts, glands, and organs of the body; by palpating these points, we can assist the body directly in balancing itself, immediately reducing stress and increasing circulation; indirectly, as we support the body's natural ability to heal itself, all of the body systems are affected in a positive way.  By learning about foot reflexology, you can learn to take care of y our feet and the rest of y our body at the same time.


    Reflexology is a very effective therapy that is becoming recognized as an important modality of Complementary & Alternative Medicine (CAM). In fact, according to the World Health Organization, 24% of Canadians visited CAM practitioners in 1999; of those, 2% visited reflexologists, an increase of 100% over the previous 5 years.  


    Join us -- in small classes -- to learn how to use foot reflexology as a health care practice.  Prepare yourself to treat family and friends as well as to become a certified practitioner who can work in your own practice, as part of a CAM group, or for a spa.  You will learn the theory upon which reflexology is based, and you will become familiar with both a basic foot routine and various  supporting routines that will relieve various health imbalances.  On-line learning activities will help you study, alone or with others, and will prepare you for the final exams.  Through guided case studies, you will get sufficient practice to become comfortable enough to work on new clients of your own.


One of the unique features of our course is that it includes a fully professional, fully observed Practice Clinic, which comes at the end of the course and incorporates everything that you have learned to work with a client.  On the day of the Clinic, you will receive a new 'client', you will perform a full assessment, you will make an Individualized Blend for that client, and you will complete the consultation (which includes findings, use of blend, lifestyle suggestions, etc).  After the Client leaves, the class will get together with the instructor and review the sessions.  By the end of the day, you should be all ready to see clients on your own.


    Successful completion of this course will give you a basic working knowledge of the safe use of reflexology as a professional practice or as an add-on in a related discipline such as nursing or massage therapy. In addition, you will become eligible to apply for membership in the Reflexology Association of Canada or a similar organization in your province as a Professional Member.

Reflexology PCC
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See Our Calendar



  • What's A Heart-Based Practitioner?

  • Building Your Own Resilience


  • Aromatherapy Practitioner Certification

  • Reflexology Practitioner Certification


SERVICES: By Appointment

  • HeartMath Stress Reduction Sessions

  • Aromatherapy Sessions

  • Reflexology Sessions

  • One Simple Change Your Way


3285 Boulevard Cavendish - #550
Montreal (NDG) QC Canada H4B-2L9

Canada: 514.481.9355 * 514.481.WELL

US [Florida]: 954-381-1639

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